Armistice prototype

0-4-0 saddle tank built by W.G. Bagnall Ltd, Castle Engine Works, Stafford, England in 1919 (works no. 2088) for Ministry of Munitions.

Due to cessation of hostilities she was diverted to civilian use at Birmingham, Tame & Rea District Drainage Board Railway, Minworth, England.

1961 it went to the Old Berrow Light Railway, Henley-in-Arden and named ‘Lady Luxborough‘.

1991 the loco came to BWLR and named ‘Armistice‘ after its original, but unused name.

For a full history of this loco see – ‘Bagnall: a narrow gauge legacy‘ published by the Narrow Gauge Railway Society, ISBN 0 9507169 87).